소식 & 이벤트
  Why Writing Your Sponsored Child Matters
 작성자 : KAFHI
작성일 : 2015-02-25     조회 : 5,127  

by Sandy Estrada on JUNE 6, 2014 in STORIES, WORLD POVERTY

2009 Angacha Field Visit (48)The summer before I went into the fourth grade, I received a letter. It was from my favorite teacher Mrs. Wilson. She believed in me and encouraged me more than any other teacher.

In Mrs. Wilson’s letter, she encouraged me to pursue my dreams, work hard and to realize that I had the potential to be great in anything.

I was amazed that Mrs. Wilson took the time to write me even when she didn’t have to. Not only were her words encouraging and uplifting—but writing to a student wasn’t required of her as a former teacher, but she wrote anyways!

Writing to your sponsored child is not a requirement of Food for the Hungry (FH) sponsorship. However, writing is an important part of sponsoring a child and here are the top three reasons why:

1.    Inspiring Dreams

Your letters help your sponsored child to believe in herself to reach her God-given potential.  Encourage your child to continue with her education and to see that she has an opportunity to bring change to her community.

2.    Building a Cultural Bridge

Your letters create a bond and form a bridge between two different cultures. Your letters will take your sponsorship to a deeper level of commitment and understanding.  Although it may seem that the differences between you and your sponsored child are great, you have more in common than you think. By writing, you can start to see that you aren’t so different.

3.    Teaching About Christ’s Love

The love and compassion you show through your letters will make your sponsored child feel special, loved and accepted. Remind your child of Jesus Christ’s love and how anything that may be troubling them or hindering them from growing can be dealt with by trusting God.

What Mrs. Wilson’s letter gave me was more than just encouragement and hope—it showed me that I was special. She went beyond what was required of her position as a teacher and reached out to a student, because she knew it would make a difference.

When you choose to become a sponsor, we hope that you will go beyond the financial aspect of the sponsorship and create a bond with your child through your letters. Thank you for being a part of our ministry to reach children with Christ’s love and may God bless you as you serve Him!

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