소식 & 이벤트
  Kingdom of God and Work Life
 작성자 : KAFHI
작성일 : 2016-02-11     조회 : 4,383  


I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
— John 3:3

For the last 30 years, I have made it a discipline to read through the entire Bible ​over the course of the calendar year. On January 1, I start by reading this passage, and I pray that God will give me the eyes to see how His kingdom is moving around me. By actively seeking to see the kingdom of God in my everyday, it ​be​comes clearer to discern His will for my life and work.

As we embark upon a new year, I have been ​inspired at the opportunity that lies in front of Food for the Hungry. As a ministry that seeks to build relationships with the most vulnerable in an effort to move them from lives of dependency towards self-sufficiency, God has uniquely gifted us to be engaged in several extremely evident crises.

In South Sudan, conflict has resulted in millions of internally displaced people. Innocent families who have nowhere safe to go​, and are struggling to create a sustainable and safe future​.
​ ​

In Syria and around the Middle East, millions of people (including many Christians) are living an existence without hope. ​They are ravaged by war and caught between political crosshairs and violence around the world. The most innocent of victims are enduring the most torturous of punishments. Why? Because they were born on a speck of the planet roughly the size of Texas (South Sudan) or Missouri (Syria)?

​​I believe God is putting in front of His people the opportunity to show love in a uniquely powerful and sacrificial way. The opportunity to show love and compassion in the midst of a fear-producing world. I, along with the staff of Food for the Hungry, am compelled to respond to this unique opportunity in a big way. The kingdom of God is moving around us. And we believe engaging in these crises are some of the ways we can be part of His work on earth.

Let’s not be motivated by fear. Surely we must move forward with wisdom and discernment. But let us be motivated by loving God ​a​nd loving​ our neighbors. As followers of Jesus, this should not be controversial. As citizens of the world, this should be the good and right thing to do.

​I invite you to be vigilant of the kingdom of God moving in this world. We are blessed to walk with you as together we respond to the needs of the most vulnerable.​

이원상 목사님을 위해 기도해 주십시오
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Name: KAFHI  |  Date: 2016-09-14  |  Hit: 4739
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